Thursday Morning Hope Adult Children AFG
Isanti Alano Club 790 Heritage Boulevard Northeast, IsantiHandicapped accessible. Family, friends, and observers welcome.
Handicapped accessible. Family, friends, and observers welcome.
Take the elevator to the basement. At the end of the hall on left. Look for sign. Friends and family welcome. Handicapped accessible.
For more information about this meeting, please email [email protected] Meeting is upstairs.
Use the rear entrance.
Family and Friends only please. This meeting is handicapped accessible.
Questions? Contact Mary at 218-549-3237
Group email: [email protected] Telephone contact: Cathy 1-218-286-3236
Questions? Call Kathy 218-929-1757
This meeting is handicapped accessible. Use the handicapped entrance. For additional questions/information please email: [email protected]
Handicapped accessible- Use the handicap entrance. Family, friends, and observers welcome.
Handicapped accessible. Friends and observers welcome.
Handicapped accessible. Family, friends, and observers welcome.
Fore more information about the Zoom meeting, click on the district 11 meeting list on the upper left hand side of this page. This meeting is handicapped accessible.
Family and friends welcome. Handicapped accessible Come the Church min entrance. we meet in the fellowship area.
This meeting is handicapped accessible and meets in person. Beginners and new members welcome! For additional questions/information please email: [email protected]
Temporary electronic meeting available during COVID-19 pandemic meeting ID 299 939 476 PASSCODE 972741 PHONE 929-205-6099 Questions? Contact: 218-999-4679.